@kokomi ON-LINE

kokomi, miya, pak or paksao she/her, genshin fan, addicted to the internet,


playing genshin , playing roblox , being online , gaming , netflix (mostly k-dramas) , reading , writing


dark humor , people that are rude to others for no reason , homophobes , racists

@kokomi loves ?!

i stan ali (199) from squid game
and the salesman (they're so fine wtf)

@kokomi socials !

discord: miya#6688
instagram: @paksaoo_
tiktok: @paksaoo
Roblox: gwend0lly
twitter: @_poprocks2018
#DNFI if you're a pedo , make dark jokes , tell people to "kys" (ironically or unironically doesn't matter to me , it's still not okay and it doesn't sit right with me. ) , racist , homophobic , against heteros , rude , scammer

Please read carefully

Tw/cw blue barrels (do not ask why. i just really have a trauma for these after seeing a movie.) , dead body , kidnapping , dark humor

Thx for reading ! (^▽^*)